Vic-3D Educational System

The new VIC-3D Edu­ca­tion­al (EDU) Sys­tem from Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions is a low-cost solu­tion devel­oped for aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions to assist in teach­ing the Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion tech­nique to under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate students.

The VIC-3D EDU sys­tem uti­lizes the same accu­rate DIC algo­rithms found in the pow­er­ful VIC-3D soft­ware, while allow­ing users to acquire data quick­ly and eas­i­ly. The sys­tem fea­tures a sim­pli­fied set­up, stream­lined image acqui­si­tion, and ide­al post-pro­cess­ing fea­tures. The stereo cam­eras are mount­ed inside a pro­tec­tive enclo­sure, which includes an inte­grat­ed LED light source, a cool­ing fan, and an exte­ri­or USB & pow­er con­nec­tors. The sys­tem also includes a tri­pod, tri­pod head, speck­le roller, ink pad, cal­i­bra­tion tar­get, and a con­ve­nient car­ry­ing case.

This prod­uct is the per­fect addi­tion to engi­neer­ing cours­es such as sol­id mechan­ics, mea­sure­ments, struc­tures, auto­mo­tive design, aero­space, safe­ty, FEA val­i­da­tion, and many oth­ers. Fur­ther­more, the VIC-3D EDU soft­ware has the abil­i­ty to process images acquired from any VIC-3D EDU sys­tem, which allows users to share images not only across cam­pus, but also with col­leagues at oth­er uni­ver­si­ties. The sys­tem sim­ply requires a com­put­er with one avail­able USB3 port and one avail­able pow­er source. Whether you are teach­ing stu­dents new mea­sure­ment tech­niques or val­i­dat­ing FEA mod­els, this sys­tem will sure­ly enhance the qual­i­ty of your department’s curriculum.



VIC-3D Educational System



VIC-3D Educational System specifications:


Cam­era Resolution 1920 x 1200 (2.3 Megapixels)
Frame Rate 20Hz live, .5Hz acqui­si­tion, 100 frames per capture
Expo­sure Time 19µs – 1s
Field of View Fixed: 150 x 200mm
Dis­place­ment Resolution In-plane: +/-2µm; Out-of-plane: +/-4µm
Strain Mea­sure­ment Resolution 50µε
Strain Mea­sure­ment Range  0.005% to >2000%
VIC-3D EDU Licenses Unlim­it­ed
Soft­ware Features 3D dis­place­ments, strains, graph­ing tools, and much more


For more infor­ma­tion or a quo­ta­tion please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us on  or via phone: +49 561 739798–0.

3D-Micro-DIC System Blue Falcon



The 3D-Micro-DIC stereo sen­sor sys­tem is devel­oped for full field strain and defor­ma­tion mea­sure­ment on small FOV with high­est pre­ci­sion and res­o­lu­tion over the com­plete field of view by 3D dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion (DIC). It also oper­ates as exten­some­ter for real-time stain con­trol. The Exam­ple below shows the new sen­sor ver­sion 2019 for 1:1 mag­ni­fi­ca­tion. FOV range starts from 2:1 with 4.2 x 3.5 mm @ 5Mpx and 75Hz.

Advantages and features of  the 3D-Micro-DIC System:

  • Com­pact and rigid design, quick set-up and easy handling
  • Pre-adjust­ed, fixed field of view and sta­ble calibration
  • Spe­cial­ly designed for small and very small field of view (FOV)
  • Reli­able and fast USB 3.0 inter­face for Desk­top or Lap­top PCs
  • Turn-key solu­tion includ­ing Vic-Snap and Vic-Gauge 3
  • DRo­bust and reli­able post-pro­cess­ing with Vic-3D



Technical highlights of the 3D-Micro-DIC system

  • 3D full field (5Mpx@75Hz frame rate) con­tin­u­ous­ly record­ing on SSD
  • High­er fram­er­ates at reduced resolution
    (e. g. [Pixel@Hz]: 1600x1200@133; 1920x1080@148; 1280x720@217; 800x600@258; 640x480@315; 320x240@576).
  • suit­able for Video-Exten­some­ter func­tions and real time feed­back control
  • Strain noise lev­el of ±0,001% (±10µstrain) and bet­ter by time averaging
  • Defor­ma­tion sen­si­tiv­i­ty in nm range (1/100 pix­el) depend­ing on FOV


Data acquisition units (DAQ) for 3D-Micro-DIC


  • Image syn­chro­nised ana­logue data record­ing (8x dif­fer­en­tial mode,16 bit, ±10V)
  • 2 x ana­logue out­put chan­nels for feed­back con­trol (16 bit, ±10V)
  • Cam­era trig­ger­ing and (option­al) phase syn­chro­ni­sa­tion for peri­od­ic signals
  • Ful­ly inte­grat­ed and sup­port­ed by all VIC TM soft­ware modules




Application example:

Spa­tial res­o­lu­tion and accuracy


Principle of Digital Image Correlation

Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion (often referred to as “DIC”) is an easy to use proven opti­cal method to mea­sure defor­ma­tion on an object sur­face. The method tracks the gray val­ue pat­tern in small neigh­bor­hoods called sub­sets (indi­cat­ed in red in the fig­ure below) dur­ing defor­ma­tion. Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion has been proven over and over to be accu­rate when com­pared to valid FEA mod­els. The com­mer­cial­ly avail­able VIC-2D and VIC-3D sys­tems from Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions both uti­lize this advanced opti­cal mea­sure­ment technology.


Digital Image Correlation Overview

Below are the rea­sons why its ver­sa­til­i­ty, robust­ness, and ease of use make it the only choice when it comes to dig­i­tal image correlation.

DIC - Principle of Digital Image Correlation

Two-dimensional Example

In the two pic­tures below you can see a speck­le pat­tern on an alu­minum sam­ple with two off­set semi-cir­cu­lar cut-outs. The two pic­tures were tak­en from an ani­ma­tion with the left image tak­en from the begin­ning and the right pic­ture tak­en from the end of the ani­ma­tion. Since the defor­ma­tion is pre­dom­i­nant­ly in-plane, a sin­gle cam­era can be used to mea­sure the deformation.


Small Defor­ma­tion


Large Defor­ma­tion

The pic­tures below show the hor­i­zon­tal strain mea­sured by two-dimen­sion­al image cor­re­la­tion for the pic­tures shown above.

VIC2D-2 VIC2D-2a

Three-dimensional Example

These two speck­le images below were tak­en simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with the left and right cam­era of a stereo-sys­tem. The sam­ple itself is a piece of glass with the com­pa­ny logo stick­er adhered to the sur­face.  The speck­le pat­tern was applied using stan­dard off-the-shelf flat white and black spray paint.  Can you make out the shape?

Left View
Right View

In the plot below the shape of the logo stick­er mea­sured with the VIC-3D Sys­tem is shown. The thick­ness of the logo stick­er is approx­i­mate­ly 0.003″ or 0.070mm.

For more info­ma­tion have a look at our DIC prod­ucts or con­tact us via or +49 561 — 739798–0

Combination of Digital Image Correlation and Thermography

Ther­mog­ra­phy is based on the prin­ci­ple that induced heat in mechan­i­cal com­po­nents caus­es a dif­fer­ent tem­per­a­ture field in the area of defects or inho­mo­geneities. The dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion is a pow­er­ful sys­tem for mea­sur­ing and visu­al­iz­ing strain, defor­ma­tion and 3D sur­face shape.

The VIC-3D IR Sys­tem fea­tures an infrared (IR) cam­era that is inte­grat­ed with the DIC cam­eras enabling tem­per­a­ture data to be accu­rate­ly acquired and ana­lyzed with the full-field strain and defor­ma­tion data. The sys­tem works by first cal­i­brat­ing the intrin­sic opti­cal para­me­ters of the IR cam­era and then cal­i­brat­ing the posi­tion of the IR cam­era rel­a­tive to the stereo DIC sys­tem. This tri­an­gu­la­tion allows VIC-3D to place the ther­mal and strain (or defor­ma­tion) as well as 3D sur­face data into a com­mon coor­di­nate system.

The cal­i­bra­tion pro­ce­dure has been stream­lined by inte­grat­ing the IR cam­era into our VIC-Snap image acqui­si­tion soft­ware, which allows the user to cap­ture images from the IR and DIC cam­eras simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. The result is an easy to use turn-key ther­mal imag­ing sys­tem that uti­lizes dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion to accu­rate­ly mea­sure tem­per­a­ture and strain con­cur­rent­ly with­out any con­tact with the sam­ple. Ther­mal and strain data can be viewed, ana­lyzed, and extract­ed over the entire field or at pre­cise locations.

The sys­tem is sold as a turn-key solu­tion which includes all soft­ware, hard­ware, onsite instal­la­tion, and one year of unlim­it­ed tech­ni­cal sup­port and soft­ware upgrades giv­ing you piece of  mind that your sys­tem func­tions as intend­ed, so you can start acquir­ing data imme­di­ate­ly. This unique ther­mal inte­gra­tion capa­bil­i­ty may also be added to any exist­ing VIC-3D sys­tem for increased functionality.

System Configuration and Features

Both the IR cam­era for ther­mog­ra­phy and the two CCD cam­eras for 3D image cor­re­la­tion are mount­ed on a stan­dard stereo bar.

  • Tem­per­a­tures up to 2,000C
  • Syn­chro­nized IR and DIC images
  • User-friend­ly set­up and calibration
  • Unique­ly designed IR cal­i­bra­tion targets
  • Ana­log data synchronization
  • Extract points, regions, or node loca­tions for FEA validation
  • Accu­rate­ly mea­sure defor­ma­tion and ther­mal data concurrently
  • Remote­ly view and acquire images using the Vic-Snap remote
  • Mea­sure 3D full-field dis­place­ments and strains
  • All the fea­tures for the VIC-3D sys­tem included


Advan­tages of this mul­ti-func­tion device are all appli­ca­tions with com­po­nent defor­ma­tions caused by ther­mal ener­gy like cur­rent flow. This prod­uct allows a simul­ta­ne­ous­ly deter­mi­na­tion of the heat flows as well as strain and deformation.


Example 1: Photovoltaic Module

Defec­tive pho­to­volta­ic mod­ules have been mea­sured dur­ing oper­a­tion over sev­er­al min­utes.  A prepa­ra­tion with speck­le pat­tern is nec­es­sary for dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion (here the back­side of the pan­el). The marked areas are heat­ed up due to electric/mechanical errors dur­ing operation.


Prin­ci­pal strain (epsilon 1) over time (index) of the points C0, C1, C2 shown in the image below. Fol­low­ing three dimen­sion­al pre­sen­ta­tion of the tem­per­a­ture values.



Three dimen­sion­al graph of the con­ture, super­posed with the mea­sured tem­per­a­ture (colour scale).



Three dimen­sion­al graph fo the con­ture, super­posed with the strain mea­sure­ment (colour scale).


Example 2: Analysis of simultaneous one-sided heating and compressive loading on an e‑glass/vinyl ester/ balsa wood sandwich composite sample

Under­stand­ing ther­mo-mechan­i­cal behav­ior of mate­r­i­al can be a vital com­po­nent when design­ing vehi­cles  and struc­tures that may become exposed to high tem­per­a­tures. Vir­ginia Tech’s Extreme Envi­ron­ments, Robot­ics, and Mate­ri­als (ExtReMe) Lab­o­ra­to­ry focus­es on the impact of extreme envi­ron­ments on mate­ri­als. This includes research that is focused on under­stand­ing the ther­mo-mechan­i­cal behav­ior of mate­ri­als both dur­ing and fol­low­ing fires. Exper­i­men­tal inves­ti­ga­tions are per­formed to under­stand the evo­lu­tion of the mate­r­i­al due to ele­vat­ed temperature.

The senior research asso­ciates in the lab used the VIC-3D IR sys­tem to find the effects of a simul­ta­ne­ous one-sided heat­ing and com­pres­sive load­ing test on an e‑glass/vinyl ester/balsa wood sand­wich com­pos­ite sam­ple. As one researcher stat­ed, “The VIC-3D IR sys­tem identied sev­er­al tran­sient events dur­ing the com­pres­sion tests which would not have oth­er­wise been ful­ly under­stood using either DIC or IRT inde­pen­dent­ly. Through this test­ing, sev­er­al fea­tures of sand­wich com­pos­ite ther­mo­me­chan­i­cal behav­ior  were elu­ci­dat­ed which would not have been pos­si­ble with tra­di­tion­al point mea­sure­ments (e.g. strain gages, defec­tome­ters, or thermocouples).”

Image above: Analy­sis of simul­ta­ne­ous one-sided heat­ing and com­pres­sive load­ing on an e‑glass/vinyl ester/ bal­sa wood sand­wich com­pos­ite sam­ple, Iden­ti­fy­ing sev­er­al tran­sient events, which  would  not  have been  ful­ly  under­stood  (stat­ed by the engin­ners of Vir­gina Tech´s ExtReMe Lab­o­ra­to­ry) using  either  DIC  or  IRT inde­pen­dent­ly or only apply­ing tra­di­tion­al  point  mea­sure­ments  (e.g.  strain gages, deec­tome­ters, or ther­mo­cou­ples).  Source:  Vir­gina Tech´s ExtReMe Laboratory


Vic-3D Stereo Microscope

The Vic-3D Micro sys­tem is a new addi­tion to the Vic-3D prod­uct line of mea­sure­ment solu­tions. Vic-3D Micro enables accu­rate dis­place­ment and strain mea­sure­ments under high magnification.


Three-dimen­sion­al dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion (DIC) has found wide­spread pop­u­lar­i­ty for strain mea­sure­ments due to its excel­lent accu­ra­cy, robust­ness and ease of use. How­ev­er, 3D mea­sure­ments have been dif­fi­cult to obtain on spec­i­mens where high mag­ni­fi­ca­tion is required. This is main­ly due to the lack of optics with suf­fi­cient depth-of-field to acquire two high mag­ni­fi­ca­tion images from dif­fer­ent view­ing angles.

Stereo micro­scopes over­come these depth-of-field lim­i­ta­tions. How­ev­er, the inter­nal con­struc­tion of stereo micro­scopes pre­vents prop­er cor­rec­tion of image dis­tor­tions using tra­di­tion­al mod­els, such as Sei­del lens dis­tor­tions. These uncor­rect­ed images will result in severe­ly biased shape and strain mea­sure­ments. In fact, it is not uncom­mon to observe bias lev­els of sev­er­al thou­sand microstrain.

To over­come this prob­lem, Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions, Inc., has devel­oped and patent­ed an easy-to-use cal­i­bra­tion method that does not suf­fer from the prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with tra­di­tion­al para­met­ric dis­tor­tion mod­els. The cal­i­bra­tion method com­putes the non-para­met­ric dis­tor­tion fields of the stereo micro­scope and has been shown to com­plete­ly elim­i­nate shape and strain bias from the measurements.

System Features

  • Field of view (zoom range): 0.8mm-7mm
  • Full-field mea­sure­ments of 3D coor­di­nates, dis­place­ments, veloc­i­ties, and com­plete strain tensors
  • Auto­mat­ic calibration
  • Image pairs can be auto­mat­i­cal­ly over­lapped with a sim­ple adjustment
  • Pow­er­ful tools for visu­al­iz­ing data 
    • Con­tour dis­plays which can be over­laid onto images of the test specimen
    • Data extrac­tion from 3D plots based on user defined lines and circles
    • Post-pro­cess­ing tools for sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis, stress-strain curves, and more
  • Con­ve­nient export­ing of data with the FLEX­Port data tool 
    • Data can be export­ed in Tecplot/plain ASCII, Mat­lab, and STL formats
    • Node data can be eas­i­ly extract­ed for FEA validation
  • One year of tech­ni­cal sup­port and soft­ware upgrade
  • One-year replace­ment war­ran­ty for defects in mate­ri­als and/or work­man­ship on all parts


Appli­ca­tion exam­ples about Vic-3D Micro:

Servered ceram­ic capac­i­tor chip under bend­ing load

Com­bi­na­tion Stere­omi­cro­scope and Vic-3D dig­i­tal image correlation

Combination of Fulcrum and FFT module

The com­bi­na­tion of the new Vic-3D FFT-Mod­ule and the known syn­chro­ni­sa­tion / trig­ger device with Ful­crum mod­ule of isi-sys GmbH / Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions INC for Vibro­cor­re­la­tion per­mits full modal and vibra­tion analy­sis using con­ven­tion­al low speed cam­eras. It can be applied on objects with high fre­quen­cy exci­ta­tion, which can replace High-Speed (HS) cam­eras, when con­ven­tion­al shak­ers are used for excitation.


Excitation signal

A peri­od­ic vibra­tion sig­nal with a wide fre­quen­cy spec­trum (e. g. chirp, fast sweep) is applies to a struc­ture via an elec­tro­dy­nam­ic, hydraulic or piezo shak­er. The cam­eras of a stereo­scop­ic sys­tem are set to a short expo­sure dura­tion (we use 200μs here) and they are trig­gered though the Ful­crum mod­ule of Vic-Snap.

The exci­ta­tion sig­nal is shown in the images below. A pulse is gen­er­at­ed by the func­tion gen­er­a­tor for each cycle of the exci­ta­tion (chirp) sig­nal and con­nect­ed to the syn­chro­ni­sa­tion device below.


Image 1 — Fre­quen­cy spectrum

Anregungssignal 2

Image 2 — Exci­ta­tion signal


SynchronisationTrigger device


The cam­eras are trig­gered through the stan­dard synchronisation/trigger device  DAQ-STD-8D con­trolled by the Ful­crum Mod­ule for Vic-Snap/ Vic-3D.



FFT Module Evaluation Examples

The fol­low­ing results show the work­space of the FFT Mod­ule in Vic-3D with ampli­tude (left) and phase (right). Shift­ing the fre­quen­cy val­ue in the graphs below (ampli­tude or phase vs fre­quen­cy) per­mits to select the cor­re­spond­ing mode shape for any analysed fre­quen­cy. The ampli­tudes (left) are dis­played here as 3D plot, oth­er options are e.g. gen­er­a­tion of ani­mat­ed videos of the mode shape vibration.

The results on a sqare plate 140 x 140mm of dif­fer­ent res­o­nance fre­quences are shown in the images below.


Image 3 — Res­o­nance at 263 Hz



Image 4 — Res­o­nance at 707 Hz



Image 5 — Res­o­nance at 875 Hz



Application example of the FFT module:

Oper­a­tion mode analy­sis on a mobile phone dur­ing vibra­tion alert



Setup. Control. Acquire.


VICSnap RemoteThe new Vic-Snap Remote app will change

the way you set up your image correlation tests.


Con­ve­nient­ly view live images on your mobile device or tablet while set­ting up the cam­eras. Zoom in with a pinch to adjust your focus. The crosshairs help align the cam­eras just per­fect­ly. Con­trol expo­sure to get your images well lit (the his­togram helps, too). Acquire cal­i­bra­tion images with a tap.  Com­pat­i­ble with most iOS and Android devices. Now avail­able on the App Store and the Google Play Store.







VICSnap Remote2


  • Remote­ly view and acquire images from Vic-Snap image acqui­si­tion systems
  • Detect and con­trol mul­ti­ple Vic-Snap sys­tems with one device
  • Pinch-to-zoom live images
  • Dou­ble-tap images for full-screen viewing
  • Adjust the cam­eras’ expo­sure time
  • Acquire cal­i­bra­tion and test images with auto­mat­ic file naming
  • Tog­gle cross-hairs for alignment
  • View gray scale his­togram for adjust­ing exposure
  • Over and under-expo­sure indi­cat­ed using red and blue





You will find further information about VIC Snap Remote on the following web page:

Vic-3D High-Speed Vibration Analysis System

Vibration1               Vibration2


The Vic-3D™ Vibra­tion Analy­sis Sys­tem by Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions, Inc. is a new addi­tion to the Vic-3D prod­uct line of mea­sure­ment solu­tions. Vic-3D Vibra­tion enables full-field 3D view­ing, mea­sure­ment, and analy­sis of tran­sient events. Full-field oper­a­tional deflec­tion shapes in the fre­quen­cy domain can eas­i­ly be seen and com­pared with lev­els of accu­ra­cy in the nanome­ter range.

The image above on the left is a mount­ed mod­el jet plane which has under­gone a tran­sient vibra­tion event.  To the right, the 3D vibra­tion data obtained from the event is shown as a 2D con­tour over­lay on this image.  The data over­lay enables the user to see exact­ly how much defor­ma­tion is occur­ring and where it is occur­ring.  This infor­ma­tion is avail­able at each fre­quen­cy where deflec­tion shapes occur.

The data below dis­plays one oper­a­tional deflec­tion shape obtained with the VIC-3D Vibra­tion Analy­sis Sys­tem. Three-dimen­sion­al dis­place­ments, strains, veloc­i­ties, and accel­er­a­tions can all be com­put­ed in the analy­sis soft­ware.  The result is not only visu­al, but also enables the user to export quan­ti­ta­tive data (ASCII, Mat­Lab, CSV, etc.) from the sample’s behav­ior for FEA analy­sis and val­i­da­tion.  A 3D ani­ma­tion of the mod­el jet’s oper­a­tional deflec­tion shape at 441 Hz is shown below, with only 12 microns of dis­place­ment amplitude.


Film Vibration3D_W_431Hz


What is transient vibration analysis? 

Tran­sient vibra­tion analy­sis is the process of mon­i­tor­ing, mea­sur­ing, and ana­lyz­ing the con­di­tion of sam­ples dur­ing a tran­sient event. Mate­r­i­al prop­er­ties can also be observed through the analy­sis of oper­a­tional deflec­tion shapes and mode shapes cre­at­ed by the event. These full-field 3D shapes can pro­vide use­ful infor­ma­tion which can be used to improve and cor­rect a sample’s bal­ance, dis­place­ment, flex­ure, rigid­i­ty, and over­all prod­uct per­for­mance.  Mea­sur­ing oper­a­tional deflec­tion shapes can help answer the ques­tion: “How much is this struc­ture actu­al­ly mov­ing at a par­tic­u­lar frequency?”


Why is it important to you?

Oper­a­tional deflec­tion shapes cre­at­ed from tran­sient tests show how a sam­ple can have a nonuni­form thick­ness­es, sur­face irreg­u­lar­i­ties, weak points, cracks and/or oth­er imper­fec­tions & flaws.  This infor­ma­tion can be use­ful at any point in the process of achiev­ing your over­all goal, from writ­ing a project pro­pos­al to test­ing a func­tion­al or fail­ing part in the field: The Vic-3D Vibra­tion Analy­sis Sys­tem

  • Has a jus­ti­fi­able price point when writ­ing proposals
  • Can be used: 
    • To cre­ate and val­i­date FE mod­els when design­ing parts & equipment
    • Dur­ing the research and design process
    • In the prod­uct test­ing phase
    • To pro­vide man­u­fac­tur­ing qual­i­ty assurance
    • To cer­ti­fy and assure equip­ment is oper­at­ing as expect­ed and required
    • To mea­sure and ana­lyze parts post-installation
    • To ensure prod­uct qual­i­ty and per­for­mance over time and in the field
    • When reassess­ing prod­uct func­tion­al­i­ty over time


Exam­ples of tran­sient events which can be mea­sured are the following:

▪ Door Slams ▪ Modal Ham­mer Strikes
▪ Engine Start-ups ▪ Drop Tests
▪ Explo­sive Testing ▪ Bal­lis­tic Testing


System Features 

  • View, com­pare, ani­mate, graph, extract, and export data for easy FEA comparison
  • Mea­sure 3D full-field, high fre­quen­cy mode shapes with nanome­ter resolution
  • Mea­sure extreme­ly low ampli­tudes with extreme­ly high accelerations
  • Full-field strain, defor­ma­tion, and shape vari­ables are still available
  • Easy pro­ce­dures, accu­rate results
  • User friend­ly interface
  • Only a frac­tion of the price of a laser vibrom­e­ter system


Advantages over other measurement techniques

While tra­di­tion­al vibra­tion mea­sure­ment tech­niques can be use­ful, they also have many draw­backs.  For exam­ple, accelerom­e­ters can become unglued dur­ing test­ing, can mass-load a sam­ple, and can only pro­vide point to point mea­sure­ments, often only in a sin­gle plane. Pre-test­ing and test­ing can also take days or even weeks to per­form on large struc­tures.  With the Vic-3D Vibra­tion Analy­sis sys­tem, there are no adhe­sives, wires, sig­nal ana­lyz­ers, pow­er ampli­fiers, or load cells nec­es­sary for detailed vibra­tion results.  Obtain­ing thou­sands of data points for a tiny, com­plex struc­ture or a large one is as easy as chang­ing a pair of lens­es. Sim­i­lar to dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion, laser vibrom­e­ters can pro­vide a non-con­tact mea­sure­ment solu­tion, but sim­i­lar to accelerom­e­ters, they are also only able pro­vide point to point mea­sure­ments.  A 3D mea­sure­ment can be achieved with mul­ti­ple scan­ning vibrom­e­ters, but these are usu­al­ly mount­ed on large robot arms which can take up valu­able lab­o­ra­to­ry space and can­not be moved eas­i­ly once installed.  Addi­tion­al­ly, these sys­tems are unrea­son­ably expen­sive for many appli­ca­tions.  The Vic-3D Vibra­tion Analy­sis sys­tem can be tak­en into the field with any com­pat­i­ble lap­top and togeth­er with the Vic-3D Work­sta­tion, the sys­tem can become mobile and secure inside your facil­i­ty.  Vic-3D Vibra­tion Analy­sis is only a frac­tion of the price of a 3D scan­ning laser vibrom­e­ter sys­tem, and since the mod­ule can be added onto any exist­ing 3D sys­tem, it’s even more affordable.

Vic-Volume — Software

VIC Volume1The new Vic-Vol­ume soft­ware by Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions is an excit­ing addi­tion to the Vic image cor­re­la­tion prod­uct line. Vic-Vol­ume uti­lizes vol­u­met­ric images from X‑Rays or CT-Scan­ners to mea­sure inter­nal defor­ma­tion of a spec­i­men under an applied load. Vic-Vol­ume ana­lyzes the acquired images to cre­ate three-dimen­sion­al vol­u­met­ric dis­place­ment and strain data of the specimen’s inter­nal behav­ior. The result­ing data is a full-field con­tour plot of the defor­ma­tion data that can be viewed, ani­mat­ed, and extract­ed for FEA val­i­da­tion. The image to the left dis­plays the inter­nal strain (Ezz) of a rub­ber puck under­go­ing compression.



Technology Background

VIC Volume2

Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion (DIC) has found wide­spread pop­u­lar­i­ty among sci­en­tists, researchers and engi­neers across the globe due to its accu­ra­cy, robust­ness, ver­sa­til­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty and over­all ease of use. DIC is com­mon­ly used to mea­sure 2D and 3D sur­face defor­ma­tion and strain uti­liz­ing white light machine vision dig­i­tal cam­eras. Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions has offered turn-key  2D and 3D DIC sys­tems since 1998, and con­tin­ues to devel­op and add new advanced DIC prod­ucts to our grow­ing prod­uct line. More recent­ly, Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions has devel­oped new soft­ware that util­i­ties images from X‑Rays or CT scan­ners to mea­sure vol­u­met­ric defor­ma­tion of an object under an applied load.

The dia­gram above dis­plays a typ­i­cal set­up of how the images are acquired dur­ing a test. The scan­ner acquires images at spe­cif­ic depth coor­di­nates, and then Vic-Vol­ume ana­lyzes the image slices to con­struct a 3D vol­ume made up of vox­els. The indi­vid­ual vox­els are the build­ing blocks for the sub-vol­ume, which con­tain the vol­u­met­ric image cor­re­la­tion data.



VIC Volume4

A rein­forced rub­ber matrix com­pos­ite is mount­ed between two grips, and a set of ref­er­ence images are acquired from a CT scan­ner at know incre­ments.  Each ‘slice’ of data is then ana­lyzed to com­pute a sta­t­ic vol­ume mea­sure­ment.  After the spec­i­men under­goes a ten­sile load, images are acquired again by the CT scan­ner at the same loca­tions.  Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion algo­rithms are used to cal­cu­late the vol­u­met­ric change or defor­ma­tion at each indi­vid­ual vox­el, which make up the 3D volume.

The above ani­ma­tion dis­plays the inter­nal strain (Ezz) of a rein­forced rub­ber matrix com­pos­ite under­go­ing ten­sion. The vol­u­met­ric strain data can be viewed, ana­lyzed, or extract­ed as a vol­ume or as indi­vid­ual data slices. The inter­nal ten­sion strain can clear­ly be seen.

Vic-Volume Software Features
  • Con­ve­nient AOI selec­tion method through “Tween­ing’’
  • Semi-auto­mat­ic ini­tial guess computation
  • Opti­mized for accu­ra­cy reduce non-lin­ear opti­miza­tion to reduce bias and inter­po­la­tion artifacts
  • High­ly Advanced mem­o­ry man­age­ment per­mits analy­sis of huge vol­u­met­ric data sets
  • Vol­u­met­ric 3D dis­place­ments & strains

Vic-Gauge 2D/3D — Technology Overview

Vic-Gauge uses our opti­mized 2‑D and 3‑D cor­re­la­tion algo­rithms to pro­vide real-time dis­place­ment and strain data for mechan­i­cal test­ing. Think of this tool as a set of vir­tu­al strain gauges: Data can be retrieved for mul­ti­ple points and plot­ted live against ana­log load inputs. Results are saved for every ana­lyzed point, and full images may be saved for full-field analy­sis in Vic-2D or Vic-3D.

VIC Gauge

Mea­sure­ment Sys­tem Fea­ture Overview

The Vic-Gauge 3D sys­tem is offered as a turnkey strain mea­sure­ment solu­tion that dou­bles as a video exten­some­ter and vir­tu­al strain gauge. The sys­tem per­forms a three-dimen­sion­al dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion (DIC) analy­sis on a pair of images in real-time, process­es the data, an then out­puts a con­trol sig­nal. The mea­sure­ments are dis­played graph­i­cal­ly, but also as vir­tu­al gauges val­ues. The sys­tem uti­lizes the same robust and pre­cise algo­rithms found in the Vic-3D sys­tem, and the same ease of use.


Gen­er­al Features:

  • Real-time mea­sure­ment of strain and dis­place­ment at one or many dis­crete points
  • Mea­sure strain data at points, or use vir­tu­al exten­some­ters to con­nect locations
  • Ana­log val­ue inputs for real-time load vs. strain reporting
  • Dual BNC ana­log out­puts for non-con­tact­ing strain or dis­place­ment con­trol of test
    frames, form­ing machines, etc.
  • Each gauge measures 
    • X, Y, & Z coordinates
    • X, Y, & Z displacement
    • Full strain and shear tensor
    • First and sec­ond prin­ci­pal strains
  • Full test set­up can be saved as a project for fast, con­sis­tent repeat­ed tests