Combination Stereomicroscope and Vic-3D digital image correlation

Appli­ca­tion exam­ples of a spe­cial stere­omi­cro­scope in com­bi­na­tion with Vic-3D dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion on elec­tron­ic components.


Image 1: Mea­sure­ment setup

Mea­sure­ment set up: Stereo micro­scope mount­ed on x‑y-z-microtable (back­side) and ten­sile machine (right).


Image 2: Strain in x‑direction


Image 3: Strain in y‑direction

Strain dis­tri­b­u­tion of a half cut capac­i­tor-chip (left part) and its sol­der­ing area (round sec­tion). The board is under
bend­ing load. The board is ver­ti­cal on the right sight of the image. The local red area is show­ing a crack in the
sol­der­ing part. Image area approx. <2mm.



Image 4: The main strain of mea­sur­ing a sol­der ball d=300µm under hor­i­zon­tal shear stress is shown.


Operation mode analysis on a mobile phone during vibration alert



Ref­er­ence coor­di­nates and con­tour of the mobile phone.






This arti­cle describes the mea­sure­ment and analy­sis of the oper­a­tion deflec­tion shapes and rigid body vibra­tion motions of a mobile phone excit­ed by its vibra­tion alert. The mearure­ment is done, using a non con­tact, 3D, full-field, high speed stereo image cor­re­la­tion sys­tem in com­bi­na­tion with the new Vic-3D FFT mod­ule ana­lyzes the record­ed defor­ma­tion data in the fre­quen­cy domain by phase-sep­a­ra­tion method.


The mea­sured defor­ma­tions and dis­place­ments dur­ing the vibra­tion alert are eval­u­at­ed against the ref­er­ence state for each stereo image pair. In this case the record­ing time cov­ers about 5,5 sec­onds with 1000 FPS cor­re­spond­ing to about 5500 sin­gle measurements.

The fol­low­ing fig­ure show the aver­age vibra­tion ampli­tude U.

