Piezoshaker Systems

The Piezoshak­er exci­ta­tion sys­tems are designed for vibra­tion mea­sure­ment and non-destruc­tive test­ing and con­sist of a Piezoshak­er, a Piezoam­pli­fi­er, and a func­tion gen­er­a­tor. Option­al­ly, the waves of the Piezoshak­er, trans­mit­ted to the test object, can be mon­i­tored by isi-sys Shearog­ra­phy / ESPI sys­tems. Our Shearog­ra­phy / ESPI sys­tems enable us to mon­i­tor full field vibra­tion such as e. g. nat­ur­al object vibra­tions. Anoth­er appli­ca­tion of the Piezoshak­er-Sys­tem is for exci­ta­tion with acoustic and ultra­son­ic waves in the field of mate­r­i­al pro­cess­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nol­o­gy. The Piezoshak­er-Sys­tem Set­up is shown in the fig­ure on the left.











The video on the right shows the lamb waves, gen­er­at­ed by the Piezoshak­er that is attached at the bot­tom of the spec­i­men. The waves trav­el across the objec­t’s sur­face and excite the five local sub­sur­face defects on the top. The local defects vibrate dif­fer­ent­ly, depend­ing on their local mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties (stiff­ness). Only very lit­tle pow­er of the Piezoshak­er is required, when the exci­ta­tion fre­quen­cy is close to the local defect res­o­nance fre­quen­cy. This prin­ci­ple is used in non-destruc­tive test­ing, for exam­ple, espe­cial­ly to locate delam­i­na­tions in sandwich struc­tures. Here, usu­al­ly, the Piezoshak­ers of the PS‑X series with vac­u­um adapter are used.


NEW PS-W-02 for continuous operation in automated production lines

The PS W 02 Series is per­fect­ly suit­able for con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion due to its inno­v­a­tive cool­ing sys­tem with forced con­vec­tion by com­pressed air. The Piezoshak­er is intend­ed to be mount­ed to a pneu­mat­ic cylin­der, which is used to press the con­tact pin to the mea­sur­ing objec­t’s sur­face. This method allows the con­tact pres­sure to be con­trolled by the user. The con­tact pin is exchange­able and can be adapt­ed to cus­tomer require­ments. Due to its small con­tact area, it can be placed on small sur­faces. With the PS-W-02 Series, dynam­ic exci­ta­tion is pos­si­ble in both sta­tion­ary and mov­ing modes, allow­ing mate­r­i­al exci­ta­tion in con­tin­u­ous man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es. This Piezoshak­er-Series fea­tures an inter­nal tem­per­a­ture sensor.

Appli­ca­tions: Dynam­ic Exci­ta­tion for Weld­ing Processes

NEW PS-X-04 for High Dynamic Operation

The PS-X-04 Series is designed light­weight and com­pact for mount­ing on the test object sur­face by vac­u­um. Using the slid­ing valve, the Piezoshak­er can eas­i­ly be attached or removed from the mate­r­i­al sur­face. It con­tains an axi­al mov­able Suc­tion Cup Adapter (Seal­ing), which allows the Piezoshak­er to be eas­i­ly attached to con­cave or con­vex sur­faces with lev­el dif­fer­ences up to 6mm. The PS-X-04 sup­ports dynam­ic vibra­tion exci­ta­tion in a fre­quen­cy range up to 100 kHz. Dif­fer­ent pneu­mat­ic con­nect­ing ele­ments are available.




PS-X-03 Series with Suction Cup adapter


The PS-X-03-Series is designed for non-destruc­tive test­ing pur­pos­es in com­bi­na­tion with ESPI/Shearography. It is fixed on the objec­t’s sur­face by vac­u­um via a suc­tion cup. The press­ing force is adjustable by the vac­u­um lev­el. Dif­fer­ent actu­a­tor types are avail­able for dif­fer­ent fre­quen­cy ranges and forces in com­bi­na­tion with dif­fer­ent coun­ter­weight mass.





Dynam­ic load­ing on a large yacht hull

Dynam­ic load­ing on a wind tur­bine blade and resin bridges

Dynam­ic exci­ta­tion on a spacecraft

Dynam­ic load­ing on a yacht mast

Dynam­ic load­ing on rud­der blade

PS-AC‑X Series with active cooling

The Piezoshak­er PS-AC‑X series is used for broad­band vibra­tion exci­ta­tion, main­ly in appli­ca­tions for non-destruc­tive test­ing in com­bi­na­tion with Shearog­ra­phy and Ther­mog­ra­phy sys­tems. It is very com­pact and rigid as well as for quick set-up and easy han­dling. The design is based on the estab­lished Piezoshak­er type PS-X-03, but in con­trast to PS-X-03, our new series uses com­pressed air for active cool­ing as well as for gen­er­a­tion of the vac­u­um for the suc­tion cup. The active cool­ing allows longer con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion at high­er pow­er com­pared to the PS-X-03 ver­sions or a longer life­time at high­er pow­er output.

Use as suc­tion-foot for tri­pod: Com­pared to the PS‑X series, the increased seal­ing diam­e­ter gen­er­ates high­er forces, which allows the usage of the stan­dard suc­tion-foots for the isi-sys suc­tion tripods. For exam­ple, two PS-AC‑X can be placed left and right next to the field of view and there­fore close to the area of interest.


Appli­ca­tions: A mobile non­de­struc­tive test­ing (NDT) sys­tem for fast detec­tion of impact dam­age in fiber-rein­forced plas­tics (FRP)

PS-L-02-Series with mounting table and forced cooling

Piezoshaker_LS-MThe PS-L-02 Series is designed for vibrat­ing small objects such as elec­tron­ic devices at high fre­quen­cies. The adapter table is exchange­able and can be cus­tomized with threads for object mount­ing (M4). Mount­ing of load cell for force mea­sure­ment is option­al. The cen­ter of Mass of the object should be near the cen­ter. For con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion at high loads and fre­quen­cies forced air cool­ing is required. For this pur­pose, a DC cen­trifu­gal fan, which can be con­nect­ed to the ampli­fi­er, is includ­ed in the pack­age. It is avail­able with dif­fer­ent char­ac­ter­is­tics (fre­quen­cy range, ampli­tudes, and forces).


PS-M-LC-Series with screw mount and load cell adapter

Piezoshaker2The PS-M-LC-Series is designed for screw­ing or glu­ing on the object sur­face and can be com­bined with load cells. The Piezoshak­er is avail­able with actu­a­tor types for dif­fer­ent force and fre­quen­cy ranges in com­bi­na­tion with vari­a­tion of the hous­ing diam­e­ters defend­ing the coun­ter­weight mass of the shak­er body. A suit­able and com­mon load cell is for exam­ple the PCB mod­el No. 201B02 (Force Sen­sor ICP® quartz force ring), in which the max­i­mum Fre­quen­cy is 90kHz.


NEW HPDA‑0–180 for High Dynamics Operation of Piezo Actuators

The HPDA‑0–180-1C Piezoam­pli­fi­er is spe­cial­ly designed to dri­ve isi-sys Piezoshak­ers for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions where high pow­er in com­bi­na­tion with low weight and com­pact size is a great advan­tage for mobil­i­ty and flex­i­ble han­dling, e.g. for mobile NDT appli­ca­tions. This sup­ports high­ly dynam­ic exci­ta­tion due to its wide band­width with fre­quen­cies up to 100 kHz. Large forces and accel­er­a­tion have been gen­er­at­ed in com­bi­na­tion with the dif­fer­ent isi-sys Piezoshak­er mod­ules. The out­put pow­er can be inspect­ed by the mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem. The HPDA‑0–180 has overtem­per­a­ture pro­tec­tion for the Piezoshak­er series with a tem­per­a­ture sen­sor. Dif­fer­ent Ver­sions with mul­ti­ple chan­nels are available.



Exci­ta­tion pow­er, force, and accel­er­a­tion of a Piezoshak­er sys­tem are func­tions of the fre­quen­cy, and its ampli­tude and thus also depend on the ampli­fi­er out­put, char­ac­ter­ized by its trans­fer func­tion. You can request the trans­fer func­tion of the ampli­fi­er from isi-sys. The fre­quen­cy range for appli­ca­tion of the Piezoshak­er is lim­it­ed depend­ing on its elec­tri­cal capac­i­ty. Adjust­ment of the exci­ta­tion pow­er is usu­al­ly pos­si­ble via the ampli­tude and fre­quen­cy gen­er­at­ed by the func­tion gen­er­a­tor and can be mon­i­tored via the volt­age and cur­rent mon­i­tor outputs.

Function generator / DAQ unit

Dif­fer­ent func­tion gen­er­a­tors are sup­port­ed by the Soft­ware isi-Stu­dio. It offers to run the required fea­tures for non-destruc­tive test­ing such as auto­mat­ic fre­quen­cy sweep­ing. The stan­dard func­tion gen­er­a­tor / DAQ unit also offers to mea­sure the cur­rent and volt­age out­put of the ampli­fi­er. This per­mits mon­i­tor­ing of the pow­er applied to the surface.

Vacuum sources

The Piezoshak­er can be attached by vac­u­um to the objec­t’s sur­face. When pres­sur­ized air is not avail­able, isi-sys offers small vac­u­um pump units. Two inde­pen­dent vac­u­um sources are rec­om­mend­ed when also a tri­pod with suc­tion cups is used. The vac­u­um lev­el is adjustable via pump speed, which is rec­om­mend­ed to pre­vent dam­age to the objec­t’s sur­face by vac­u­um forces.


Application examples of the Piezoshaker system:

Dynam­ic Exci­ta­tion for Weld­ing Processes

Dynam­ic load­ing on a large yacht hull

Dynam­ic load­ing on a wind tur­bine blade and resin bridges

Dynam­ic exci­ta­tion on a spacecraft

Dynam­ic load­ing on a yacht mast

Dynam­ic load­ing on rud­der blade

Should you need more detailed information or have special questions, please contact us per email — info@isi-sys.com.