High speed Videostroboscope


The Videostro­bo­scope is used for visu­al­iza­tion and record­ing of vibra­tions and rota­tions in slow-motion → on shak­er, test bench­es, at non-acces­si­ble loca­tions (endo­scope-use) and on large or micro objects. It is an easy-tou­se turnkey sys­tem and pro­vides a low cost alter­na­tive to high speed cam­eras. No need for flash lights per­mits day light use. It allows auto­mat­ic mon­i­tor­ing and pro­vides a wide range of analy­sis tools. In com­bi­na­tion with our spe­cial nanosec­ond light puls­es it can be applied for fre­quen­cies up to 100 kHz as well as for high speed rotations.


Videostrobocope_smallneu   Videostroboskop

Advantages of Videostroboscope to the classical light Stroboscope

Auto­mat­ed mon­i­tor­ing: Image analy­sis per­mits auto­mat­ic process con­trol of test setups or in
pro­duc­tion via sen­si­tiv­i­ty to object loca­tion or vibra­tion ampli­tudes or phase (please ask for details).

Record­ing: Sequences or sin­gle shots can be record­ed and stored dig­i­tal­ly. The images or sequences
(avi, jpg etc.) can be fur­ther processed and includ­ed to pre­sen­ta­tions. Com­pared to con­ven­tion­al High
Speed cam­eras this can be done over a very long peri­od as the image streem is recored to the computer
mem­o­ry or hard-disks direct­ly. Using sol­id state dri­ves (SSD) this is pos­si­ble with high frame rates an
res­o­lu­tions e. g. over 200Hz at VGA.

Micro-objects: Apply­ing zoom­lens­es or micro­scopes per­mit mag­ni­fi­ca­tion of small objects.

Quan­ti­ta­tive eval­u­a­tion: The images include infor­ma­tion for com­par­i­son of objects or states. Image pro­cess­ing tools such as auto­mat­ed edge detec­tion or cor­re­la­tion and
mea­sure­ment tools per­mit quan­ti­ta­tive eval­u­a­tion of vibra­tion ampli­tudes. No need for dark rooms, no eye­strain: In oppo­site to con­ven­tion­al sys­tems based on flash lights,
the video-stro­bo­scope enables the user to work with­out eye­strain e. g. under day­light. High pow­er flash lights are harm­ful for the eyes allow­ing short appli­ca­tion peri­ods only.

Secu­ri­ty and image trans­mis­sion: The observ­er can be spa­tial sep­a­rat­ed from the object or dan­ger zone by remote con­trolled ver­sions (e. g. engine test stands). Object-observ­er dis­tance up to 70m (unlim­it­ed using glass fibre).

Envi­ron­men­tal: Oper­a­tion is pos­si­ble under extreme con­di­tions (e .g. cli­mat­ic chambers).

Acces­si­bil­i­ty: The cam­eras can be installed on loca­tions with dif­fi­cult access for the human eye. Endo­scope acces­sories for cam­eras are available.