3D-Micro-DIC System Blue Falcon



The 3D-Micro-DIC stereo sen­sor sys­tem is devel­oped for full field strain and defor­ma­tion mea­sure­ment on small FOV with high­est pre­ci­sion and res­o­lu­tion over the com­plete field of view by 3D dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion (DIC). It also oper­ates as exten­some­ter for real-time stain con­trol. The Exam­ple below shows the new sen­sor ver­sion 2019 for 1:1 mag­ni­fi­ca­tion. FOV range starts from 2:1 with 4.2 x 3.5 mm @ 5Mpx and 75Hz.

Advantages and features of  the 3D-Micro-DIC System:

  • Com­pact and rigid design, quick set-up and easy handling
  • Pre-adjust­ed, fixed field of view and sta­ble calibration
  • Spe­cial­ly designed for small and very small field of view (FOV)
  • Reli­able and fast USB 3.0 inter­face for Desk­top or Lap­top PCs
  • Turn-key solu­tion includ­ing Vic-Snap and Vic-Gauge 3
  • DRo­bust and reli­able post-pro­cess­ing with Vic-3D



Technical highlights of the 3D-Micro-DIC system

  • 3D full field (5Mpx@75Hz frame rate) con­tin­u­ous­ly record­ing on SSD
  • High­er fram­er­ates at reduced resolution
    (e. g. [Pixel@Hz]: 1600x1200@133; 1920x1080@148; 1280x720@217; 800x600@258; 640x480@315; 320x240@576).
  • suit­able for Video-Exten­some­ter func­tions and real time feed­back control
  • Strain noise lev­el of ±0,001% (±10µstrain) and bet­ter by time averaging
  • Defor­ma­tion sen­si­tiv­i­ty in nm range (1/100 pix­el) depend­ing on FOV


Data acquisition units (DAQ) for 3D-Micro-DIC


  • Image syn­chro­nised ana­logue data record­ing (8x dif­fer­en­tial mode,16 bit, ±10V)
  • 2 x ana­logue out­put chan­nels for feed­back con­trol (16 bit, ±10V)
  • Cam­era trig­ger­ing and (option­al) phase syn­chro­ni­sa­tion for peri­od­ic signals
  • Ful­ly inte­grat­ed and sup­port­ed by all VIC TM soft­ware modules




Application example:

Spa­tial res­o­lu­tion and accuracy