Speckle Pattern Application Kit

The Speckle Pattern Application Kit for the easy and fast production of a perfect speckle pattern for your DIC application!

The cor­re­lat­ed solu­tions speck­le com­po­nents pro­vide the pro­duc­tion of ide­al speck­le pat­tern which is impor­tant for good sig­na­tures through­out the area of inter­est so that con­sis­tent sized sub­sets may be tracked with certainty



Characteristics and advantages:

  • High con­trast, quick prepa­ra­tion
  • Pre­ci­sion: Opti­mised and con­sis­tent dot sizes
  • 50 % cov­er­age: equal amount of black and white
  • Ran­dom: Per­fect mix­ture between irreg­u­lar and reg­u­lar pattern
  • Result: improved high­er spa­tial res­o­lu­tion due to opti­mised sub­set size and high­ly reduced noise


Why a good speck­le pat­ter is required?

In DIC, a mesh of small sub­sets of the image are tracked as the spec­i­men moves and deforms. To per­form this track­ing, the sub­sets are shift­ed until the pat­tern in the deformed image match­es the ref­er­ence image as close­ly as pos­si­ble; this match is cal­cu­lat­ed by the total dif­fer­ence in grey lev­els at each point. A good pat­tern will allow the cor­re­la­tion to be made with high con­fi­dence and pro­duce low noise. The exam­ple below shows the uncer­tain­ty for the out of plane mea­sure­ment data in Z‑direction with dif­fer­ent speck­le patterns.



In order to pro­vide con­sis­tent speck­le pat­terns for var­i­ous sam­ple sizes and mate­ri­als, the speck­le kit includes:


Stamp Rollers (6 sizes):

  • 0,18mm dot size for 53 – 145mm FOV*
  • 0,33mm dot size for 102 – 296mm FOV*
  • 0,66mm dot size for 203 – 539mm FOV*
  • 1,27mm dot size for 389 – 826mm FOV*
  • 2,45mm dot size for 762 – 2032 mm FOV*
  • 5,08mm dot size for 1524 – 4064 mm FOV*

Flat Stamp Rock­ers 146 x 146mm (6 sizes)

  • 0,18mm dot size for 53 – 145mm FOV*
  • 0,33mm dot size for 102 – 296mm FOV*
  • 0,66mm dot size for 203 – 539mm FOV*
  • 1,27mm dot size for 389 – 826mm FOV*
  • 2,45mm dot size for 762 – 2032 mm FOV*
  • 5,08mm dot size for 1524 – 4064 mm FOV*
  • Rock­er for Flat Stamps


  • extra ink
  • ink pad
  • hard padded car­ry­ing case


* rec­om­mend­ed FOV (image width) for stan­dard 5Mpx sen­sor with 2500x2000px. Alter­na­tive­ly check dot size, which should be min­i­mum about 3x3px.


For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, a quo­ta­tion or in case of any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us via info@isi-sys.com