
VIC-Snap APP and tar­get fixtures:
The cal­i­bra­tion pro­ce­dure of VIC can be done eas­i­ly done mov­ing the tar­gets man­u­al­ly. How­ev­er for small field of view where man­u­al posi­tion­ing of the tar­gets and the influ­ence of motion blur­ring becomes dif­fi­cult we offer the BCTF 50 and now new the VIC cal­i­bra­tion gimbal.


The VIC cal­i­bra­tion gim­bal for auto­mat­ed cal­i­bra­tion of VIC-3D sys­tems via USB & VIC-Snap or Wifi & VIC-Snap App, which espe­cial­ly is use­ful for non reach­able areas such as cli­mat­ic chambers

Blue-X-Lite (LED light source)

The Blue-X-Lite is an entry-level professional flicker-free lighting solution for DIC. Short wave length, small bandwidth, pulse mode, focusable.

  • The Blue-X-Lite can be used in con­tin­u­ous wave mode (CW) or in pulsed mode (Pulse) with 20 W. Due to its fast rise times < 100 ns in com­bi­na­tion with spe­cial trig­ger unit it is also suit­able for syn­chro­niza­tion with DIC sys­tems with stro­bo­scop­ic illumination.
  • Light inten­si­ty can be con­trolled step­less up to  60% light inten­si­ty for con­tin­u­ous wave mode (CW) and 100% light inten­si­ty for pulse mode (Pulse).
  • Frame rates: Two ver­sions are avail­able with trig­ger fre­quen­cy up to 1,000 Hz or 10,000 Hz.
  • The Blue-X-Lite can be eas­i­ly attached direct­ly to the stereo bar by flex­i­ble arms for indi­vid­ual adjust­ment of the light direction.
    The fan­less design offers the advan­tage of no vibra­tions trans­mit­ted to the stereo bar.
  • Mount­ing: 1/4″, 3/8” and M6 threads for tri­pod or flex­i­ble mount­ing arms (bot­tom). M4 threads (front) for mount­ing to VIC-Pro­fes­sion­al fine adjust­ment cam­era mounts.

Application for Optimization of Laser Beam Welding by Ultrasonic Wave Superposition

The poten­tial of ultra­son­ic wave super­po­si­tion to improve the prop­er­ties of laser beam weld­ing was inves­ti­gat­ed using sta­tion­ary and mov­ing Piezoshak­er-Sys­tem at the Depart­ment of Cut­ting and Join­ing Man­u­fac­tur­ing Process­es (tff) at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­sel. An exam­ple of this is the test on the high-strength steel alloy 22MnB5, which is pre­sent­ed here. Adap­ta­tion to oth­er weld­ing process­es and mate­ri­als is possible. 

The influ­ences of the var­i­ous exci­ta­tion para­me­ters of the Piezoshak­er on the ultra­son­ic wave super­po­si­tion were inves­ti­gat­ed, e.g. the dis­tri­b­u­tion of the AlSi-coat­ing par­ti­cles with­in the join­ing zone as well as the weld seam prop­er­ties [1].

The isi-sys Piezoshak­er-Sys­tem was used for the mov­ing wave super­po­si­tion, as shown in Fig. 1 The sys­tem con­tains a 2‑channel Piezoam­pli­fier of the HPDA‑0–180-2C series and two Piezoshak­ers of the PS-W-02 series. The Piezoshak­ers are firm­ly con­nect­ed to the laser optics via a mount and are moved rel­a­tive to the com­po­nent sur­face at a defined dis­tance from the laser beam. These are pressed onto the com­po­nent sur­face with a defined force using pneu­mat­ic cylin­ders. Uneven­ness and dif­fer­ences in the thick­ness of the join­ing part­ners can be compensated.
















Fig. 1 (left): The dis­tri­b­u­tion of the AlSi-coat­ing in com­par­i­son with­out (a) and © and with (b) and (e) influ­ence of an ultra­son­ic wave super­po­si­tion by isi-sys Piezoshak­er dur­ing laser beam weld­ing with false-col­or images of EDS-analy­sis (d) and (f) [1]

Fig. 2 (right): Super­im­posed SEM-images and sec­tioned inverse pole fig­ure map­pings (IPFM) of a weld seam with­out (a) and with ultra­son­ic super­po­si­tion (b) mea­sured with elec­tron backscat­ter dif­frac­tion shown as inverse pole fig­ure in Z‑direction [1]

[1] Pub­lished in: C. Wolf, S. Völk­ers, I. Kryukov, M. Graß, N. Som­mer, S. Böhm, M. Wun­der, N. Köh­ler und P. Mäck­el, „Enhance­ment of Weld­abil­i­ty at Laser Beam Weld­ing of 22MnB5 by an Entrained Ultra­son­ic Wave Super­po­si­tion,“ In: Mate­ri­als 2022, Bd. 15, 4800.

Speckle Pattern Application Kit

The Speckle Pattern Application Kit for the easy and fast production of a perfect speckle pattern for your DIC application!

The cor­re­lat­ed solu­tions speck­le com­po­nents pro­vide the pro­duc­tion of ide­al speck­le pat­tern which is impor­tant for good sig­na­tures through­out the area of inter­est so that con­sis­tent sized sub­sets may be tracked with certainty



Characteristics and advantages:

  • High con­trast, quick prepa­ra­tion
  • Pre­ci­sion: Opti­mised and con­sis­tent dot sizes
  • 50 % cov­er­age: equal amount of black and white
  • Ran­dom: Per­fect mix­ture between irreg­u­lar and reg­u­lar pattern
  • Result: improved high­er spa­tial res­o­lu­tion due to opti­mised sub­set size and high­ly reduced noise


Why a good speck­le pat­ter is required?

In DIC, a mesh of small sub­sets of the image are tracked as the spec­i­men moves and deforms. To per­form this track­ing, the sub­sets are shift­ed until the pat­tern in the deformed image match­es the ref­er­ence image as close­ly as pos­si­ble; this match is cal­cu­lat­ed by the total dif­fer­ence in grey lev­els at each point. A good pat­tern will allow the cor­re­la­tion to be made with high con­fi­dence and pro­duce low noise. The exam­ple below shows the uncer­tain­ty for the out of plane mea­sure­ment data in Z‑direction with dif­fer­ent speck­le patterns.



In order to pro­vide con­sis­tent speck­le pat­terns for var­i­ous sam­ple sizes and mate­ri­als, the speck­le kit includes:


Stamp Rollers (6 sizes):

  • 0,18mm dot size for 53 – 145mm FOV*
  • 0,33mm dot size for 102 – 296mm FOV*
  • 0,66mm dot size for 203 – 539mm FOV*
  • 1,27mm dot size for 389 – 826mm FOV*
  • 2,45mm dot size for 762 – 2032 mm FOV*
  • 5,08mm dot size for 1524 – 4064 mm FOV*

Flat Stamp Rock­ers 146 x 146mm (6 sizes)

  • 0,18mm dot size for 53 – 145mm FOV*
  • 0,33mm dot size for 102 – 296mm FOV*
  • 0,66mm dot size for 203 – 539mm FOV*
  • 1,27mm dot size for 389 – 826mm FOV*
  • 2,45mm dot size for 762 – 2032 mm FOV*
  • 5,08mm dot size for 1524 – 4064 mm FOV*
  • Rock­er for Flat Stamps


  • extra ink
  • ink pad
  • hard padded car­ry­ing case


* rec­om­mend­ed FOV (image width) for stan­dard 5Mpx sen­sor with 2500x2000px. Alter­na­tive­ly check dot size, which should be min­i­mum about 3x3px.


For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, a quo­ta­tion or in case of any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us via

Polarization filter for HEDLER LED

NEW! The new isi-sys polarization filter for HEDLER LED

The major rea­son for apply­ing light form­ing equip­ment in DIC is to avoid direct reflec­tions. The HEDLER Pro­filux LEDs can be equipped with dif­fer­ent light form­ing acces­sories such as usu­al­ly applied in con­ven­tion­al pho­to stu­dios. Some of them are also suit­able for DIC. isi-sys can rec­om­mend suit­able acces­sories for your application.

How­ev­er the first basic rec­om­men­da­tion is to set up the light source inde­pen­dent­ly from the DIC sys­tem to adjust a suit­able illu­mi­na­tion direc­tion. In a num­ber of appli­ca­tions this is suf­fi­cient and these acces­sories can be avoid­ed, which is of advan­tage, because their appli­ca­tion is com­bined with light losses.

A high­ly rec­om­mend­ed item is the new isi-sys polar­iza­tion fil­ter espe­cial­ly devel­oped for the high pow­er Hedler LED 1000, which helps to work on strong­ly curved and shiny – even wet – sur­faces, when com­bined with suit­able polar­i­sa­tion fil­ters on the DIC stereo system

HEDLER LED light sources

isi-sys offers var­i­ous light sources from Hedler, in par­tic­u­lar the fol­low­ing prod­ucts, for which we also offer a polar­iza­tion fil­ter spe­cial­ly devel­oped by us (read more»):


LED 1000

Focus­able white LED light source with 185W, con­tin­u­ous wave



The HEDLER Pro­filux LED1000 is a new devel­oped con­tin­u­ous light unit which gen­er­ates with one high pow­er sin­gle LED day­light qual­i­ty with approx. 5600K and a CRI > 90 – flick­er-free! It has an extreme­ly qui­et fan cool­ing and a spe­cial, active LED cool­ing; the LED has an aver­age life­time of approx. 50000 hours.

It comes with:

  • Fres­nel lens
  • 185 Watts high pow­er sin­gle cell LED
  • Inte­grat­ed Elec­tron­ic Ballast
  • U‑bracket with 5/8″ quick-lock light stand attach­ment and fric­tion brake plus the HEDLER Quick­Fit adapter for com­fort­able and fast inter­chang­ing of reflectors.



LED 650

70° expand­ed white LED light source with 75W con­tin­u­ous wave



LED 1000x

75°expanded white light source with 185W con­tin­u­ous wave


Note: The LED 650 and 1000x are only rec­om­mend­ed for large FOV >1m appli­ca­tions at short object dis­tances for cost rea­sons. Oper­a­tion with sep­a­rate light stand or tri­pod rec­om­mend­ed, as with­out focus­ing such as for LED 1000.

Blue-X-Focus — LED light source

The new LED light source with 80W up to 120Hz and 1μs flash period

The Blue-X-Focus is a powerful LED light source, especially designed by isi-sys for digital image correlation:

  • The short, sin­gle wave length (blue) improves the opti­cal trans­fer func­tion prop­er­ties espe­cial­ly a) at the image board­ers for con­ven­tion­al lens­es and b) for high res­o­lu­tion, small FOV set-ups such as the Micro 3D stereo sensor.
  • The pulse mode reduces motion blur and max­i­mizes light pow­er at low­est pos­si­ble heat­ing of the object surface
  • Large beam expan­sion range from 3,2° to 60° for small to large field of view. Oper­a­tion through small windows
  • A polar­iza­tion-fil­ter (option­al) is sup­press­ing direct reflec­tions in com­bi­na­tion with a sec­ond pair for the sensors
  • The short wave­length can be used in com­bi­na­tion with band­pass fil­ters for mea­sur­ing on hot samples

Further details:

  • Pow­er: Stan­dard oper­a­tion with 80W in con­tin­u­ous mode or 120W for pulse mode depend­ing on duty cycle. Exam­ple for 0,7 duty cycle: 105W @ 240Hz and 2,9ms flash peri­od. Pow­er adjustable man­u­al­ly or exter­nal by pulse length and fre­quen­cy as well as auto­mat­i­cal­ly lim­it­ed depend­ing on temperature.
  • The focus­ing adapter for stan­dard DIC is from 5° to 60° expan­sion. The ver­sion for small FOV is adjustable from 3,2° to 4,7° expan­sion cor­re­spond­ing to e. g. 5mm x 3mm at 53mm WD or 300mm x 140mm at 1800mm WD (work­ing distance)
  • Mount­ing is pos­si­ble hor­i­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal via M6 or ¼” threads
  • The cool­ing air stream is direct­ed from the front inlet to the back­side to avoid hot air waves in the images.Power: Stan­dard oper­a­tion with 80W in con­tin­u­ous mode or 120W for pulse mode depend­ing on duty cycle. Exam­ple for 0,7 duty cycle: 105W @ 240Hz and 2,9ms flash period.

Application example for DIC on small FOV (magnification 1:1 approx. 14x10mm @ 12Mpx, Rodagon 135mm)

DAQ Devices

The isi-sys DAQ devices are set up for oper­a­tion with the Vic soft­ware for Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion (DIC) by Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions and func­tion as inte­gral part of isi-sys turn-key DIC sys­tems. They main­ly serve for trig­ger­ing the cam­eras (hard­ware trig­ger) and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly record­ing ana­log data as well as for deliv­er­ing ana­logue real-time out­put gen­er­at­ed by the Vic-Gauge software.

There are three DAQ types with dif­fer­ent per­for­mance and fea­tures (and pricing):



Only the DAQ-STD- 8D Syn­chro­niza­tion- / Trig­ger Device can be used for syn­chro­niza­tion of the cam­eras via a peri­od­ic sig­nal (sup­port­ed by the Ful­crum Mod­ule of Vic-Snap or the isi-sys syn­chro­ni­sa­tion soft­ware mod­ule / isi-Studio








Isi-sys also offers a 16-bit device — the DAQ-T8D-16. Both devices have +/-10V out­put channels.







The DAQ-T4D-12 is a 12bit device with 5V ana­log output








Camera Trigger & Power supply

Hard­ware trig­ger­ing and the pow­er sup­ply for the cam­eras are trans­mit­ted via the 12-pin Hirose con­nec­tors on the DAQ device. Two of these con­nec­tors are avail­able for con­nect­ing up to two cam­eras. Isi-sys also offers Y‑cables for oper­at­ing 4 cam­eras (two stereo sys­tems) or more. It is also pos­si­ble to oper­ate more than two cam­eras with one DAQ device. We will be hap­py to advise you.


Computer Connection 

Con­nec­tion to a com­put­er is done by USB cable (type A <-> type B connector).


Analog inputs

isi-sys DAQ devices are avail­able with either dif­fer­en­tial or non-dif­fer­en­tial ana­log inputs. The ana­log input con­nec­tors are BNC type, the range is +/-10V.


Further IO connectors

Besides ana­log inputs, all isi-sys DAQ devices can also be equipped with ana­log out­puts (BNC type con­nec­tor), which dif­fer in volt­age range depend­ing on DAQ type. Dig­i­tal IO con­nec­tors (BNC type) are avail­able as well.

Vic-3D Educational System

The new VIC-3D Edu­ca­tion­al (EDU) Sys­tem from Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions is a low-cost solu­tion devel­oped for aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions to assist in teach­ing the Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion tech­nique to under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate students.

The VIC-3D EDU sys­tem uti­lizes the same accu­rate DIC algo­rithms found in the pow­er­ful VIC-3D soft­ware, while allow­ing users to acquire data quick­ly and eas­i­ly. The sys­tem fea­tures a sim­pli­fied set­up, stream­lined image acqui­si­tion, and ide­al post-pro­cess­ing fea­tures. The stereo cam­eras are mount­ed inside a pro­tec­tive enclo­sure, which includes an inte­grat­ed LED light source, a cool­ing fan, and an exte­ri­or USB & pow­er con­nec­tors. The sys­tem also includes a tri­pod, tri­pod head, speck­le roller, ink pad, cal­i­bra­tion tar­get, and a con­ve­nient car­ry­ing case.

This prod­uct is the per­fect addi­tion to engi­neer­ing cours­es such as sol­id mechan­ics, mea­sure­ments, struc­tures, auto­mo­tive design, aero­space, safe­ty, FEA val­i­da­tion, and many oth­ers. Fur­ther­more, the VIC-3D EDU soft­ware has the abil­i­ty to process images acquired from any VIC-3D EDU sys­tem, which allows users to share images not only across cam­pus, but also with col­leagues at oth­er uni­ver­si­ties. The sys­tem sim­ply requires a com­put­er with one avail­able USB3 port and one avail­able pow­er source. Whether you are teach­ing stu­dents new mea­sure­ment tech­niques or val­i­dat­ing FEA mod­els, this sys­tem will sure­ly enhance the qual­i­ty of your department’s curriculum.



VIC-3D Educational System



VIC-3D Educational System specifications:


Cam­era Resolution 1920 x 1200 (2.3 Megapixels)
Frame Rate 20Hz live, .5Hz acqui­si­tion, 100 frames per capture
Expo­sure Time 19µs – 1s
Field of View Fixed: 150 x 200mm
Dis­place­ment Resolution In-plane: +/-2µm; Out-of-plane: +/-4µm
Strain Mea­sure­ment Resolution 50µε
Strain Mea­sure­ment Range  0.005% to >2000%
VIC-3D EDU Licenses Unlim­it­ed
Soft­ware Features 3D dis­place­ments, strains, graph­ing tools, and much more


For more infor­ma­tion or a quo­ta­tion please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us on  or via phone: +49 561 739798–0.

3D-Micro-DIC System Blue Falcon



The 3D-Micro-DIC stereo sen­sor sys­tem is devel­oped for full field strain and defor­ma­tion mea­sure­ment on small FOV with high­est pre­ci­sion and res­o­lu­tion over the com­plete field of view by 3D dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion (DIC). It also oper­ates as exten­some­ter for real-time stain con­trol. The Exam­ple below shows the new sen­sor ver­sion 2019 for 1:1 mag­ni­fi­ca­tion. FOV range starts from 2:1 with 4.2 x 3.5 mm @ 5Mpx and 75Hz.

Advantages and features of  the 3D-Micro-DIC System:

  • Com­pact and rigid design, quick set-up and easy handling
  • Pre-adjust­ed, fixed field of view and sta­ble calibration
  • Spe­cial­ly designed for small and very small field of view (FOV)
  • Reli­able and fast USB 3.0 inter­face for Desk­top or Lap­top PCs
  • Turn-key solu­tion includ­ing Vic-Snap and Vic-Gauge 3
  • DRo­bust and reli­able post-pro­cess­ing with Vic-3D



Technical highlights of the 3D-Micro-DIC system

  • 3D full field (5Mpx@75Hz frame rate) con­tin­u­ous­ly record­ing on SSD
  • High­er fram­er­ates at reduced resolution
    (e. g. [Pixel@Hz]: 1600x1200@133; 1920x1080@148; 1280x720@217; 800x600@258; 640x480@315; 320x240@576).
  • suit­able for Video-Exten­some­ter func­tions and real time feed­back control
  • Strain noise lev­el of ±0,001% (±10µstrain) and bet­ter by time averaging
  • Defor­ma­tion sen­si­tiv­i­ty in nm range (1/100 pix­el) depend­ing on FOV


Data acquisition units (DAQ) for 3D-Micro-DIC


  • Image syn­chro­nised ana­logue data record­ing (8x dif­fer­en­tial mode,16 bit, ±10V)
  • 2 x ana­logue out­put chan­nels for feed­back con­trol (16 bit, ±10V)
  • Cam­era trig­ger­ing and (option­al) phase syn­chro­ni­sa­tion for peri­od­ic signals
  • Ful­ly inte­grat­ed and sup­port­ed by all VIC TM soft­ware modules




Application example:

Spa­tial res­o­lu­tion and accuracy