Blue-X-Lite (LED light source)

The Blue-X-Lite is an entry-level professional flicker-free lighting solution for DIC. Short wave length, small bandwidth, pulse mode, focusable.

  • The Blue-X-Lite can be used in con­tin­u­ous wave mode (CW) or in pulsed mode (Pulse) with 20 W. Due to its fast rise times < 100 ns in com­bi­na­tion with spe­cial trig­ger unit it is also suit­able for syn­chro­niza­tion with DIC sys­tems with stro­bo­scop­ic illumination.
  • Light inten­si­ty can be con­trolled step­less up to  60% light inten­si­ty for con­tin­u­ous wave mode (CW) and 100% light inten­si­ty for pulse mode (Pulse).
  • Frame rates: Two ver­sions are avail­able with trig­ger fre­quen­cy up to 1,000 Hz or 10,000 Hz.
  • The Blue-X-Lite can be eas­i­ly attached direct­ly to the stereo bar by flex­i­ble arms for indi­vid­ual adjust­ment of the light direction.
    The fan­less design offers the advan­tage of no vibra­tions trans­mit­ted to the stereo bar.
  • Mount­ing: 1/4″, 3/8” and M6 threads for tri­pod or flex­i­ble mount­ing arms (bot­tom). M4 threads (front) for mount­ing to VIC-Pro­fes­sion­al fine adjust­ment cam­era mounts.