News Archive

Measuring and Predicting the Effects of Residual Stresses from Full-Field Data in Laser-Directed Energy Deposition

This arti­cle presents a nov­el approach for assess­ing the effects of resid­ual stress­es in laser-direct­ed ener­gy depo­si­tion (L‑DED), the ther­mal expan­sion coef­fi­cient of thin-wall L‑DED steel spec­i­mens is mea­sured and then used to pre­dict the dis­place­ment fields around the drilling hole in incre­men­tal hole-drilling tests. The incre­men­tal hole-drilling test is per­formed on cubic L‑DED steel spec­i­mens and the dis­place­ment fields are visu­al­ized using a 3D micro-dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion set­up. Click here here to read the full article.

SKZ symposium


You can inform your­self about the prod­uct range of isi-sys on our booth. Dis­count tick­ets are avail­able on request from us. The detailed lec­ture pro­gramm about NDT and shearog­ra­phy is shown → here.





Control Stuttgart Fair, Hall 1, Booth 1322, April 26 to 29 2016

Vis­it isi-sys on the exhi­bi­tion stand of ede­vis .

We show here our image cor­re­la­tion system

and the Shearography-Sensor.






Training Videos


New train­ing mate­r­i­al in the form of tuto­r­i­al videos.


Read more→



Events: International DIC Conference 2015 USA including isi-sys


Sec­ond Inter­na­tion­al DIC Con­fer­ence & Work­shop host­ed by Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions, Inc., Novem­ber 3–5, in Colum­bia, SC, USA. isi-sys GmbH has been pre­sent­ed Shearography/ESPI Systems.