DIC Accessory Products

isi-sys pro­vides sev­er­al acces­so­ry prod­ucts to adapt the dig­i­tal image cor­re­la­tion sys­tems to the require­ments of the users in the best pos­si­ble way to make the oper­a­tion as sim­ple and com­fort­able as pos­si­ble. Here is a selec­tion of our DIC acces­so­ry prod­ucts. If there is no suit­able prod­uct for your require­ments, just con­tact us and we will advise you on suit­able products.


DAQ Boxes (Data Acquisition)

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BCTF-50 — Backlit Calibration Target Fixture



NEW! VIC Gimbal

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Speckle Pattern Application Kit

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Blue-X-Focus (LED light source)

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NEW! Blue-X-Lite (LED light source)

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HEDLER LED light sources

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Polarizationfilter for HEDLER LED1000

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