
VIC-Snap APP and tar­get fixtures:
The cal­i­bra­tion pro­ce­dure of VIC can be done eas­i­ly done mov­ing the tar­gets man­u­al­ly. How­ev­er for small field of view where man­u­al posi­tion­ing of the tar­gets and the influ­ence of motion blur­ring becomes dif­fi­cult we offer the BCTF 50 and now new the VIC cal­i­bra­tion gimbal.


The VIC cal­i­bra­tion gim­bal for auto­mat­ed cal­i­bra­tion of VIC-3D sys­tems via USB & VIC-Snap or Wifi & VIC-Snap App, which espe­cial­ly is use­ful for non reach­able areas such as cli­mat­ic chambers