Dynamic loading on a yacht mast

The exam­ple shows an appli­ca­tion of NDT on a 30m CFK yacht mast (low­er left). The time aver­age result of the SE1 mea­sure­ment and dynam­ic load­ing by our Piezoshak­er (low­er right) is indi­cat­ing a larg­er delim­i­ta­tion below the sur­face start­ing from a small vis­i­ble crack. Usu­al­ly, small cracks are often seen on the sur­face, but not all are relat­ed to delam­i­na­tion, which needs any repair.

NDT Yacht   NDT Yacht2

SE1 with Piezoshak­er for dynam­ic loading

Defect detect­ed by Vibrog­ra­phy / dynam­ic loading