Dynamic loading on rudder blade



Detec­tion and mea­sure­ment of defects on a rud­der blade by the SE-Sen­sor and dynam­ic load­ing.


Set­up for mea­sure­ment on a rud­der by dynam­ic loading.

The direct rigid mount­ing of the sen­sor on the rud­der by the suc­tion cups allows out­door mea­sure­ment even at strong winds with high flex­i­bil­i­ty. The high qual­i­ty inter­fer­ence fil­ters of the sen­sor per­mits mea­sure­ment under day light conditions.


NDTRuder3   NDTRuder5  NDTRuder4

A: 9,3 kHz                                            B: 7,5 kHz                                           C: 5,5 kHz

Mea­sure­ment results (time aver­age) show­ing local vibra­tion modes of defects due to reduced or inho­mo­ge­neous stiff­ness of the mate­r­i­al. Even if a big field of view is select­ed, it is pos­si­ble to detect small defects. Defect size and type as well as the depth of the defect (delam­i­na­tion) deter­mine the nor­mal modes (res­o­nance fre­quen­cy) of the local defect area.