Vic-Volume — Software

VIC Volume1The new Vic-Vol­ume soft­ware by Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions is an excit­ing addi­tion to the Vic image cor­re­la­tion prod­uct line. Vic-Vol­ume uti­lizes vol­u­met­ric images from X‑Rays or CT-Scan­ners to mea­sure inter­nal defor­ma­tion of a spec­i­men under an applied load. Vic-Vol­ume ana­lyzes the acquired images to cre­ate three-dimen­sion­al vol­u­met­ric dis­place­ment and strain data of the specimen’s inter­nal behav­ior. The result­ing data is a full-field con­tour plot of the defor­ma­tion data that can be viewed, ani­mat­ed, and extract­ed for FEA val­i­da­tion. The image to the left dis­plays the inter­nal strain (Ezz) of a rub­ber puck under­go­ing compression.



Technology Background

VIC Volume2

Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion (DIC) has found wide­spread pop­u­lar­i­ty among sci­en­tists, researchers and engi­neers across the globe due to its accu­ra­cy, robust­ness, ver­sa­til­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty and over­all ease of use. DIC is com­mon­ly used to mea­sure 2D and 3D sur­face defor­ma­tion and strain uti­liz­ing white light machine vision dig­i­tal cam­eras. Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions has offered turn-key  2D and 3D DIC sys­tems since 1998, and con­tin­ues to devel­op and add new advanced DIC prod­ucts to our grow­ing prod­uct line. More recent­ly, Cor­re­lat­ed Solu­tions has devel­oped new soft­ware that util­i­ties images from X‑Rays or CT scan­ners to mea­sure vol­u­met­ric defor­ma­tion of an object under an applied load.

The dia­gram above dis­plays a typ­i­cal set­up of how the images are acquired dur­ing a test. The scan­ner acquires images at spe­cif­ic depth coor­di­nates, and then Vic-Vol­ume ana­lyzes the image slices to con­struct a 3D vol­ume made up of vox­els. The indi­vid­ual vox­els are the build­ing blocks for the sub-vol­ume, which con­tain the vol­u­met­ric image cor­re­la­tion data.



VIC Volume4

A rein­forced rub­ber matrix com­pos­ite is mount­ed between two grips, and a set of ref­er­ence images are acquired from a CT scan­ner at know incre­ments.  Each ‘slice’ of data is then ana­lyzed to com­pute a sta­t­ic vol­ume mea­sure­ment.  After the spec­i­men under­goes a ten­sile load, images are acquired again by the CT scan­ner at the same loca­tions.  Dig­i­tal Image Cor­re­la­tion algo­rithms are used to cal­cu­late the vol­u­met­ric change or defor­ma­tion at each indi­vid­ual vox­el, which make up the 3D volume.

The above ani­ma­tion dis­plays the inter­nal strain (Ezz) of a rein­forced rub­ber matrix com­pos­ite under­go­ing ten­sion. The vol­u­met­ric strain data can be viewed, ana­lyzed, or extract­ed as a vol­ume or as indi­vid­ual data slices. The inter­nal ten­sion strain can clear­ly be seen.

Vic-Volume Software Features
  • Con­ve­nient AOI selec­tion method through “Tween­ing’’
  • Semi-auto­mat­ic ini­tial guess computation
  • Opti­mized for accu­ra­cy reduce non-lin­ear opti­miza­tion to reduce bias and inter­po­la­tion artifacts
  • High­ly Advanced mem­o­ry man­age­ment per­mits analy­sis of huge vol­u­met­ric data sets
  • Vol­u­met­ric 3D dis­place­ments & strains