Outdoor, Long Distance from Small to Large FOV (Field Of View)

FOV Ranges for Stereo-DIC

The stan­dard FOV ranges from 40 to 400 mm, 4, 8 and 16 m can be extend­ed to very large FOVs not only using mul­ti­ple stereo sys­tems in com­bi­na­tion but also by a sin­gle stereo sys­tem. There­fore, VIC offers spe­cial cal­i­bra­tion meth­ods for large and very large FOV mea­sure­ments that exceed the size of the hand-held cal­i­bra­tion pan­els (> 1 m). We offer the suit­able lens­es and the required hard­ware such a bat­tery dri­ven sys­tems or water pro­tec­tion even for under water applications.

Wind Turbine Blade (FOV > 100 m)

Spe­cial sys­tems for out­door appli­ca­tions, such as for mea­sur­ing bridges or (rotat­ing) wind tur­bines blades with Ø > 100 m are avail­able with cam­era dis­tances of 200 m, con­trolled from a Lap­top oper­at­ing on bat­tery pow­er. Mea­sure­ments by Jan Wind­stroth, Han­nover Uni­ver­si­ty, Insti­tute for Tur­bo­maschin­ery and Flu­id Dynam­ics, Germany.


Below: Fea­si­bil­i­ty of the mea­sure­ment in a mod­el study back in 2013. Mea­sure­ments by Jan Wind­stroth, Han­nover Uni­ver­si­ty, Insti­tute for Tur­bo­maschin­ery and Flu­id Dynam­ics, Germany.



Outdoor Wave Measurement ( FOV 75 m x 30 m)

Full Scale CFD Validation using Ship Performance and Wave Pattern Measurements of a Mega Cruise Ship

Anoth­er appli­ca­tion, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Mar­itime Research Insti­tute of Nether­lands, involved record­ing the wave for­ma­tion behind a 330 m long cruise ship sail­ing at 20 knots. Start the video of the stern wave mea­sure­ment (Video gen­er­at­ed with­in VIC iris work­space by Marin.NL).


Long Distance Small FOV (Stereo-DIC)

Out­door mea­sure­ment on small field of view  (FOV) at long work­ing dis­tance with high sen­si­tiv­i­ty and/or accu­ra­cy require not only spe­cial cal­i­bra­tion meth­ods for 2D and 3D appli­ca­tions but also spe­cial record­ing and eval­u­a­tion meth­ods, as these appli­ca­tion under­lay­ing high noise influ­ences such as ther­mal air waves result­ing into opti­cal Schlieren.