MF Test



Foto SE2 Sensor Shearografie Scherografie by isis-sys


For full field, non cont­act, non des­truc­ti­ve test­ing, vibra­ti­on, defor­ma­ti­on and strain mea­su­re­ment. Field of view from mm to squa­re meters with a reso­lu­ti­on of frac­tions of the light wave length.

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Application: Non Destructive Testing

Defects beco­me visi­ble on the basis of the mea­su­red inho­mo­ge­neous defor­ma­ti­on due to ther­mal, dyna­mic or vacu­um loading.

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DIC (Digital Image Correlation)


Foto Kamera GT6600 Digitale Bildkorrelation by isi-sys


For full field non cont­act strain, defor­ma­ti­on, vibra­ti­on, moti­on mea­su­re­ment and ana­ly­sis based on VIC-Soft­ware of Cor­re­la­ted Solu­ti­ons. From sta­tic high reso­lu­ti­on to high speed dyna­mic appli­ca­ti­ons with sen­si­ti­vi­ty in the sub micro­me­ter range.

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Application: Strain Measurement

For three dimen­sio­nal sta­tic and dyna­mic appli­ca­ti­ons or fati­gue test from 0,01% up to 1000% strain with high spa­ti­al reso­lu­ti­on up to 29Mpx per sys­tem with high time reso­lu­ti­on at 1 mil­li­on frames per second.

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Video Stroboscope


Foto High Speed Videostroboskop by isi-sys



Used for simp­le visua­liza­ti­on, moni­to­ring and recor­ding of vibra­ti­ons and rota­ti­ons in slow-moti­on. For quan­ti­ta­ti­ve eva­lua­ti­on in sub­pi­xel ran­ge, it can be exten­ded with image cor­re­la­ti­on (see above).

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Application: Vibration Analysis

of ope­ra­ti­on deflec­tion with full field 3D using high speed recor­ding and pha­se sepa­ra­ti­on method. Pha­se reso­nan­ce methods in com­bi­na­ti­on with elek­tro­dy­na­mic shakers.

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Piezoshaker Systems


Photo Piezoshaker PS X 03 by isi-sys


Desi­gned for vibra­ti­on exci­ta­ti­on in the k‑Hz ran­ge espe­ci­al­ly for non des­truc­ti­ve test­ing. Sys­tems include spe­cial light weight high power pie­zo ampli­fiers for mobi­le appli­ca­ti­on in NDT with she­aro­gra­phy and thermography.

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Application: Vibration Monitoring

On shaker, test ben­ches, at non-acces­si­ble loca­ti­ons (endo­scope-use) and on lar­ge or micro objects.

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