Automated NDT system for filament wound tubes

This sys­tem is used for auto­ma­ted, non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing of fila­ment wound pipes. The pipes are rota­ted in 90° steps around their axis to moni­tor four cir­cum­fe­ren­ti­al seg­ments. Two SE4 sen­sors with 2 x 4000 px are appli­ed per seg­ment along the tube axis. For a tube length of 1m @ 8000 px, this leads to 0.125 mm/px spa­ti­al pixel reso­lu­ti­on for all 8 image seg­ments. After inser­ting the pipes the ends are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sea­led and inter­nal pres­su­re is used as the loa­ding method. Sin­ce this cor­re­sponds to the usu­al ope­ra­ting load of the tubes, the mea­su­red defor­ma­ti­on dis­tri­bu­ti­on visua­li­zes main­ly the rele­vant struc­tu­ral defects in con­trast to other loa­ding methods such as ther­mal loa­ding.

Due to the high defor­ma­ti­on sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the SE4 sen­sors com­bi­ned with the high spa­ti­al pixel reso­lu­ti­on even the smal­lest defects can be detec­ted. An ope­ra­tor final­ly cate­go­ri­zes the object as IO / NIO. Auto­ma­ted or AI-based image ana­ly­sis is pos­si­ble, but it depends on the appli­ca­ti­on and detec­tion requi­re­ments. At the end of the mea­su­re­ment, a report is gene­ra­ted and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly stored as a PDF in a direc­to­ry spe­ci­fied by the user.

The tubes are inser­ted and remo­ved manu­al­ly. An exten­si­on with col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve robots or inte­gra­ti­on into pro­duc­tion lines is pos­si­ble. Seve­ral thousand tubes have alre­a­dy been tes­ted per year wit­hout pro­blems and maintenance.