Strain Gauge Comparison

In this exam­ple a Vic-3D mea­sure­ment with 5MP CMOS Cam­era was per­formed. The acryl spec­i­men is fixed in a ten­sile test­ing machine. A strain gauge is attached at the back in com­bi­na­tion with a SCAD 500 strain gauge ampli­fi­er. The out­put of the SCAD 500 was con­nect­ed to the DAQ of the DIC sys­tem. The strain results are record­ed par­al­lel with the Vic-3D mea­sure­ment and plot­ted in a dia­gram. The cam­era type is equipped with Sony 5Mpx Pregius sen­sor, 75 fps.

Strain Gauge Comparison-1  Strain Gauge Comparison-1a

Image 1: Vic-3D mea­sure­ment of the acryl specimen


Strain Gauge Comparison-2









Image 2: Com­par­i­son of strain gauge data (red curve) and DIC Strain data (black curve)


The Vic-3D data match near­ly per­fect with the strain gauge data. Even at low strains the dif­fer­ence is less than 25 micro strain.